Dental Implant Before & After – Case 2
Presenting complaint
Patient attended our dental practice complaining of 2 missing teeth in the upper jaw. Patient was offered a fixed bridge solution by their own dentist, however they were not keen to have the healthy teeth ground down to act as support for the bridges. They have had numerous quotes for dental implants, but they were all working out very expensive.
Treatment carried out
Following a thorough clinical and radiographic examination including 3D CT Scan it became evident that the patient had a very limited bone height below his sinus cavities. A treatment plan was formulated to offer them the dental implant restoration with the help of sinus lift procedure. Dr Daood has a particular interest and experience in the minimally invasive sinus floor elevation without having the need for extensive sinus surgery. Sinus floor elevation procedure and implant placement were carried out in one visit and following a successful healing period, patient have had their final teeth fit. Teeth were made a shade lighter than their adjacent teeth to compensate for the teeth whitening procedure patient was due to undertake with his general dentist.
Can we help You?
If you want to consider dental implant treatment, or just want an opinion on what might be the best solution for your missing or failing teeth, do not hesitate and book a free consultation today.